Aspire’s latest update on generative AI in CCM-CXM

In some of my previous blogs, I’ve talked about how the Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) revolution is taking the Customer Communications Management (CCM) / Customer Experience Management (CXM) industry by storm and how it promises to be one of the most disruptive elements in the market’s history. Aspire is currently conducting an extensive study that…

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Consumer Behaviors & Attitudes Towards Communications

Another challenging year… We all thought that 2023 would be a more stable year now that we are over the 2021 and 2022 pandemic lockdowns but with the continuation of the war in Ukraine and wholesale energy prices still high, it’s been a challenging start to the year for everyone. The Bank of England has hiked interest…

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The Future of Generative AI in Customer Engagement, a new landmark study from Aspire

At Aspire, we’re excited to present our latest research study, “The Future of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Customer Engagement”. The first phase of this groundbreaking project will provide software vendors and service providers with a deep understanding of the transformative capabilities of generative AI in the creation of customer communications and digital experiences so…

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Would AI take us back to the future?

While many vendors took the opportunity to showcase their AI offerings at DSF, the most impressive demo I saw was actually presented by O’Neil Digital Solutions the day after the show. As analysts, we often get sneak-peaks at beta versions so we can help clients prepare products for market launch. The technology that O’Neil presented…

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Aspire Maturity Assessment: What You Need to Know

As organizations evolve into customer-centric models, moving into omni-channel communications through digital transformation and customer journey management, we have seen for some time now that CX is evolving. TX (Total eXperience) is being hailed as the strategy for “customer first” organizations but many are still not aware where they are on their CCM to CXM and…

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TX – The New Kid on the Block

In our industry, acronyms abound. And the fewer the letters, the higher the opportunity for confusion. The latest acronym to permeate the communications industry is “TX” which has previously been used as a moniker for “Transmission”, “Transaction” and even “Transformation”. In its latest incarnation, however, is stands for “Total eXperience”, and specifically Total customer experience.…

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